Eye care at The Healers’

Aug 09 2022

Short-sightedness and weakening vision are just two of the commonly experienced eye disorders. Care for the eyes, preferably natural eye-care is a blessing and ayurveda addresses this through its age-old, and traditional methods. Along with ayurvedic eye-cleansing and therapies, yogic eye exercises too help relax, refresh, and rejuvenate the eyes. The Healers’ eyecare package includes ayurvedic eye cleansing and refreshing therapies like Netra Tharpanam along with yogic exercises like Trataka, to strengthen and rejuvenate the eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul. Let’s take care of them.

Please note that treatments or therapies at The Healers’ Clinic are supervised and/or administered by highly experienced medical professionals.

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Eye care at The Healers’