Shirodhara Therapy and Its Benefits….
Ayurveda, the ancient and holistic science of health and longevity, is an India-specific custom that dates back thousands of years. As mentioned in numerous Vedic texts, ayurvedic treatments have a lengthy history of promoting physical health, emotional well-being, and soul connection. Through a complex system of healing, these practices employ various preparations of herbs, spices, oils, and other natural components to aid an individual in overcoming various health anomalies and achieving absolute health and well-being.
What Is Scalp Shirodhara Therapy?
Shirodhara is a traditional Ayurvedic healing technique that has been used for centuries to bring harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. This therapy is touted as one of the most purifying and rejuvenating treatments because it not only eliminates harmful AMA toxins from the body, but also relieves tension, eliminates mental exhaustion, and treats a variety of disorders.
The term ‘Shirodhara’ is derived from two Sanskrit words, where ‘Shiro’ means ‘head’ and ‘Dhara’ means ‘pouring or sprinkling’; collectively, it refers to the dripping or pouring of warm herbal ayurvedic oils on the forehead from a specific height, for a specific time, allowing the oil to run through the scalp and down into the hair. Shirodhara, in contrast to other massage techniques that only work on the external surface to alleviate muscle pain and stress, acts on multiple layers of the individual’s being. This divine process can exfoliate dead skin cells, transport lymphatic fluids, reduce stress, release muscular tension, balance doshic elements, and eliminate impurities. It even improves the function of the central nervous system, treats conditions such as anxiety, melancholy, and mental fatigue, and grants the mind and body an entirely new experience.
What Are Shirodhara’s Various Names?
In the Charak Samhita and Susruta Samhita, Shirodhara is referred to by numerous vernacular names, including Shiro Sheka, Sirothara, Parisheka, Shiro Parisheka, Dhara, and Shirashek.
What are the various Shirodhara therapy types?
Shirodhara therapy typically employs various medicinal oils or infusions to induce a calming effect on the mind and body. Based on the type of liquid used, it is classified as one of the following:
- Taila Dhara (Thailand Dhara): Taila Dhara massage uses a single variety of oil or a mixture of several ayurvedic oils.
- Dugadha Dhara (Ksheerdhara): The primary ingredient used in dugadha Dhara is milk.
- Takra Dhara (Thakradhara): Takra Dhara’s primary ingredient is typically buttermilk.
- Kwatha Dhara (Decoction): Depending on the diagnosed condition or dosha imbalance, the primary ingredient in Kwatha Dhara is decoctions prepared from various herbs
- Jala Dhara (Aqueous Formulation): Typically prescribed for Pitta imbalance. This medication consists primarily of coconut water as the primary ingredient.
Potential Effects
Shirodhara is said to have calming effects on the body and psyche.
Additionally, research suggests that Shirodhara can benefit:
- Increase sleep quality.
- Manage insomnia.
- Reduce anxiety in conjunction with yoga, Reliable Source
- Alleviate anxiety Reliable Source
Keep in mind that the majority of studies investigating the benefits of Shirodhara have involved only a scattering of participants. However, none of them indicate that the treatment has adverse effects.
Shirodhara tends to be safe. The primary risks are the liquid being too hot or getting into your eyes, neither of which should be a concern for an experienced practitioner. If you have particularly sensitive skin, you can request a contact test at healers‘ to ensure that the liquid will not cause irritation. Essential oils should always be diluted in a carrier oil.
If you have any cuts or open wounds, particularly on your face, it is best to wait until they heal before attempting Shirodhara. Shirodhara is a great, low-risk option to try if you’re looking for a way to relax or want to try Ayurvedic medicine. If you are looking for an experienced practitioner for Ayurvedic treatment in Dubai to avoid any problems, Contact The Healers’ Clinic now at +971 4 38 55677!