
‘Overweight’ and ‘obesity’ both refer to excess fat which is an obvious risk to health. BMI (Body Mass Index) value of more than 25 places the individual into the overweight zone, and over 30, into obese.

Its alarming that the rate of overweight and obese population continues to grow. Both are on a steady rise in middle as well as low-income countries too, especially so in urban settings. Being overweight or obese goes beyond appearance. These are medical problems which make one susceptible to plenty other ailments including high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

According to Ayurveda, body constitution traits influence the individual’s thought, feelings, and behavior. Certain body constitution traits make an individual more inclined to gaining weight, than the others. For example, individuals who come under the Kapha type are observed to be naturally big and they find it difficult to lose weight.

To add to this, our diet, lifestyle habits as well as self-perception too influence weight and as a result, health in a huge way. Eating the wrong things, or the right things but at a wrong time, an inactive or sedentary lifestyle – all are big contributors. Furthermore, certain disorders like for example a low-functioning thyroid gland adds to this

In some cases, weight gain is physical proof or a reminder of an individual’s lack of control over impulses as well as impulsiveness. Hence, those who gain weight may go on to perceive themselves as being, or to become less disciplined and more impulsive. Furthermore, the social stigma associated with being overweight or obese could feed back on their perception of themselves. Here, the issue turns less physical and more mental in nature.

To manage such disorders, an in-depth and early diagnosis of the hidden or even dormant signs the disorders, is needed. A holistic approach works the best here as it doesn’t look at just the symptoms or manifestations – rather, it investigates the root cause with an aim to address it.

Learn How We Could Help

The Healers’ Clinic, a holistic and integrative healthcare facility, comprises a team of experts from the realms of traditional as well as modern medicine. We blend traditional healing methodologies with modern and scientific approaches, to design custom-made treatment plans which suit individual and specific needs.

Along with Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy which are ancient, time-tested, safe and effective healing methodologies, The Healers’ specialize in Non-linear Health Screening which gives accurate and real-time information on Homeostasis, the internal stability. This completely non-invasive and quick method of diagnosis helps identify the root-cause behind a disorder, assisting in the process of curing from the core.

With a blend of traditional with the modern, The Healers’ ensure sustainable improvement by way of slight modifications in diet, lifestyle and self-care methods.

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