Harnessing the strengths of Holistic Healing for the children of today

Mar 23 2021

As parents, uncles or aunts, it is but natural to want to offer the best foot forward for the children we raise, know and care about. As an ancient science, Ayurveda offers a great deal of wisdom that can be easily applied to children.

As with many forms of eastern medicine, Ayurveda too works with the cycles and rhythms of life.  As a fundamentally preventative approach to well-being, Ayurveda helps to correct the imbalances that may be cropping up in kids, while having the potential to set children on a lifelong path to optimal well-being and health. Unfortunately, the children of today are used to instant gratification, which eclipses the timeless wisdom that helps us keep in tune with the cycles of the seasons, our circadian rhythms and eating food appropriate to seasons.

Ayurveda is a unique system of medicine that celebrates and honors every individual. What is central to the Ayurvedic tenets is that each one is born with a distinct constitution -commonly known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata deals with the energy of air which is what governs the beating of the heart and the muscles in general. Pitta deals with the energy of fire which is responsible for digestion and Kapha deals with the energy of water which maintains fluid balance, fat regulation etc. Every child, like every adult, possesses these doshas. However, different bodies predominantly show one or two of these doshas.

Another holistic treatment method that can be adopted safely and effectively for children is Homeopathy. Owing to the safety of homeopathic medicines, it is considered among the safest options for infants, toddlers and even older kids. Homeopathy has been receiving so much appreciation over the past that it is no longer being considered “alternative” and is fast becoming the preferred form of medicine.

Just like Ayurveda, Homeopathy too is effective in treating a variety of issues that a child may face, ranging from infantile colic to behavioral disturbance. The homeopathic system works from within, by strengthening immunity and keeping illness at bay. It strengthens the child’s natural defenses so that he or she may fight off the common cold or flu and helps him stay healthy and illness free for longer periods of time.

Complementary and alternative medicine usage among kids is on the rise for a variety of reasons. The word “holistic” is more relevant since it defines a complete form of health care that does not reject conventional medicine but considers a comprehensive and individualized picture of health while using safe, effective and appropriate options for prevention or healing. It involves looking at the child as a whole to determine the underlying balances that might affect health.

Most common illnesses and chronic health problems children face these days are best addressed from a holistic standpoint. From the point of view of a parent, the fallout of alternative medicine is not entirely known, and they are likely to have valid concerns.Hence, it is vital to have the right knowledge before proceeding. This is why, it is important to find clinicians that do not exclude conventional medicine.

The most important thing to remember is that Parents are the main providers of holistic health care for kids. Many, if not all issues can be handled within the comforts of your own home if you have the right knowledge. Tune in to what is happening with your child emotionally and what may be undermining your child’s sense of security. Knowing your child’s strengths, weaknesses and temperaments will help the holistic health professionals deal with the pressing issues your child may be facing.


The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are time-tested. The Healers’ is the one of its kind in the region where the eastern wisdom is meeting the western science, facilitating a fast and effective route in the maintenance of your health.

We recognise that every client is different and is endowed with a constitution that is unique to the individual; our regimens are therefore customized for each guest. A natural result of this is that we give personalized attention to the minutest detail, and address the subtlest of needs of each client, in order to facilitate fundamental improvements in health condition and achieve overall wellbeing for our guests. Quality, efficacy and customer satisfaction are spontaneous outcomes of this.

The Healers’ Clinic offers a wide range of customized services that cover aspects of health maintenance, cleansing, rejuvenation and healing. You will find the best of General Medicine, Homeopathy and Traditional Medicine which are effectively combined for fast and effective results.

For rejuvenating holistic healthcare, call us today for an appointment.

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Harnessing the strengths of Holistic Healing for the children of today