Functional medicine in Dubai is emerging as a favorable option for treatment for illnesses and it recognizes that each individual is unique.
It recognizes the impact of our environment and lifestyle, which includes diet, nutrition, exposures, contaminants, relationships, stressors, exercise, and emotions, on our biochemical and physiological functions. It also examines how these same factors affect genetic predispositions and interact with our genome (our genetic makeup). The concept that our living environment ultimately dictates “function” is the central concept of functional medicine at The Healers’ Clinic in Dubai.
Keeping in mind that the concept of environment incorporates the patient’s total experiences from birth to the present, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of each patient’s past. Specialized testing–including specialized laboratories and instruments–is used to evaluate the processes from which imbalances arise prior to disease development or during the treatment of chronic illness at our functional medicine clinic in Dubai.
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Functional medicine doctor examine a patient’s complete medical history to determine a disease’s origins. Typically, they spend more time with patients than conventional physicians. They acquire comprehensive information about the disease and your lifestyle in general.
A functional medicine physician would inquire about:
Then, they devise a functional medicine treatment plan to address the multiple factors that can contribute to chronic conditions. It can consist of prescription medications, dietary supplements, and other treatments.
Finally, they monitor the treatment’s progress and make adjustments as necessary. Since each treatment is tailored to the individual’s illness, the functional medicine approach differs for everyone.
Your relationship with a doctor of functional medicine can differ from that with your primary care physician.
According to Healers‘, functional medicine places greater emphasis on locating the underlying cause of a showing symptom. A patient arrives with a presenting complaint, and we hope to reduce or eliminate symptoms. However, after locating and treating the underlying cause, we hope that the alleviation of symptoms will be a permanent solution. There is an emphasis on a thorough history-taking session in which we can acquire as much information as possible about the patient to arrive at the most precise working diagnosis.
Everyone suffering from a chronic condition can gain from functional medicine. These are some of the most prevalent conditions we treat using functional medicine in Dubai
We pay more attention to the intestine than to hormones because we believe it is the first organ susceptible to disease. It means that the stomach can be affected by the delivery method alone. A cesarean section will alter the microbiome of the intestines, as will the first feed. What a mother consumes influences how a breastfed infant responds. These minute reactions will also influence the immune system. Then there are antibiotics, analgesics, and numerous lifestyle choices, to say nothing of stress. Numerous factors can affect the stomach, which in turn affects all other systems. I consider the digestive system to be one of the most important systems when determining the etiology of a problem.
We learn more about you than just your illness. Before your first appointment, we conduct a thorough medical history and lifestyle evaluation to gain a complete understanding of your health. This evaluation is used to identify disease triggers and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
Our team of caregivers is here to assist you on your path to wellness. A provider (physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner), registered dietitian, health coach, and/or behavioral health therapist are available to you. Introduce yourself to our team.
We continue to investigate the efficacy of functional medicine in addressing health issues.
Before your first visit, you complete an extensive medical history questionnaire. Your response provides the groundwork for our investigation into the underlying cause(s) of your chronic condition. The in-depth medical history questionnaire will inquire about: