Colon health

How to Fight Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or Acid Reflux?

What is Reflux? Reflux, or Acid Reflux refers to the backward flow of the acid generated in the stomach, back into the esophagus. This happens when the valve-like muscle between the esophagus and the stomach – whose purpose is to allow the food or liquid consumed to travel into the stomach – stays open or […]

Runner’s Knee Joint Pain and How To Overcome It Through Exercise

Runner’s Knee is quite a common condition that is seen to affect even fast walkers and treadmill-lovers along with athletes, especially runners. Symptoms are pain in the front region of the knee or the knee cap, spreading around and to the back of the knee. The condition which may or may not be associated with […]

The Link Between Hormones and Sleep

When was the last time you felt revitalized, alert, well-rested, and prepared to face the day? If those days are a thing of the past, then you can suffer from insomnia. A decent night’s sleep is essential to our health and well-being throughout our lives. According to studies conducted by the Sleep Foundation, women are […]

Colon Hydrotherapy for Cancer Management

According to reports, 90 percent of all maladies originate in the colon. A simple series of colon purification treatments can restore vitality, treat illnesses, and prevent disease. The health of your colon is intrinsically linked to your overall health and well-being, which is why Colon Therapy is so vital to the professionals at Healers’— and […]

Bloating: Causes and Prevention Tips

What is a gut that feels full? First and foremost, having a large stomach means feeling tight, full, or under pressure in your stomach. It can or cannot be joined by a clearly swollen belly. The feeling can range from a little bit of discomfort to a lot of pain. It usually goes away on […]

Shirodhara Therapy and Its Benefits….

Ayurveda, the ancient and holistic science of health and longevity, is an India-specific custom that dates back thousands of years. As mentioned in numerous Vedic texts, ayurvedic treatments have a lengthy history of promoting physical health, emotional well-being, and soul connection. Through a complex system of healing, these practices employ various preparations of herbs, spices, […]

Know When to Choose Heat or Cold For Pain Relief

Heat and ice packs relieve pain and discomfort resulting from arthritis, torn muscles, and inflammation. Hot and cold therapy is easily affordable and is helpful for many diseases and injuries. Knowing when to use heat and cold is difficult though and sometimes one treatment includes both. Use ice for acute pain, inflammation, and edema. And […]

Can Bad Posture Cause Migraine?

Can bad posture trigger migraine? It could, for those who are susceptible to it. Poor posture exerts pressure on certain muscles and fascia (the tissue covering the muscle), which can foster the onset of migraine. Migraine Migraine is a disorder which causes discomfort and pain. In the US, it has been seen to affect approximately […]

Transformation Tales with The Healers’ Clinic: Episode 4

Ms. Ishani was looking for experts who could work on her liver detox. She had been experiencing a variety of symptoms for quite some time. She had visited various medical professionals, but they had only treated symptoms without looking into the underlying cause. Until she found The Healers’ Clinic, Ms. Ishani was left feeling helpless […]

Transformation Tales with The Healers’ Clinic: Episode 3

Ms. Amrika Bhogaita had been dealing with a health problem for some time, and despite making numerous trips to see various doctors and other medical professionals for insomnia treatment in Dubai, she had not been able to find relief. She was angry and felt helpless, so she chose to visit The Healers’ Clinic without knowing […]

Transformation Tales with The Healers’ Clinic: Episode 2

Ajit James never liked visiting clinics for any medical issues. However, after days of being unwell, he realized it was time to make an appointment for liver detox with medical professionals. He was in Dubai when he came across The Healers’ Clinic and decided to give it a shot. His immediate impression was of having […]

Transformation Tales with The Healers’ Clinic: Episode 1

Akhila B. Nair’s digestive system was in a bind, literally. She felt bloated and weighed down and found it difficult to relieve herself. She felt uneasy, and her guts told her to consult an expert, so she asked for assistance from The Healers’ Clinic. She was looking for integrative medicine in Dubai to get better. […]

How to take care of Muscle Pain and Soreness with Ayurveda?

What is Muscle and Joint Pain? Various factors lead to joint pain; in some cases, the pain diminishes or goes away with rest. However, joint pain due to Arthritis could be severe and debilitating. The medical term for muscular pain is Myalgia and it involves muscles, ligaments, tendons, and the fascia. Myalgia is a pretty […]

Ayurvedic Treatment for Relief from Joint Pain

When do joints hurt, and why? Conventional medicine states that joint pain has a variety of causes, for example, wear and tear of the joint, a physical injury, trauma, or maybe some underlying disease that has not been made known or seen yet.  Ayurveda understands and sees ailments as an imbalance between the Vata, Pitta […]

What is Holistic Medicine?

What is Holistic Medicine? A holistic view towards healing has more to do with attitude and approach, than with the physical methods of treatment. It addresses the biological, psychological, social, environmental, and spiritual dimensions of health or ill health.  It recognizes each person as the individual and unique entity he or she is and focuses […]

Functional Vs Integrative Medicine

Functional Medicine Vs Integrative Medicine Functional Medicine and Integrative Medicine are no strangers to each other. To Know the difference between the two, you need to understand Functional medicine and Integrative medicine individually. What is Integrative Medicine? Integrative medicine involves therapies and treatments that collectively aim at healing an individual at the physical, mental, and […]

Colon Detox: Colon Cleansing for Optimal Health

What is colon-cleanse? A colon-cleanse, also known as colonic-irrigation or colon-hydrotherapy, utilizes temperature-controlled water to flush the colon of the accumulated waste. This process has been used for many years to eliminate harmful waste from the body. At times, a colon cleanse can be performed to prepare the body for digestive tract-related treatments. However, many […]

Holistic Treatment for Arthritis

Arthritis is not just an ailment that can be ignored or taken casually. It affects your normal life and activities, leading to discomfort, pain, and unhappiness. It can affect people of any age, gender, and race. Although it’s not strictly related to aging, a few of its types are mostly seen in the older lot. […]

Cure Acid Reflux with Ayurveda and Homeopathy

Acid Reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) occurs when the valve-like muscles between the esophagus and the stomach go weak. Instead of performing their function of allowing or blocking the entry of food from the esophagus to the stomach, they remain open. In this process, they allow the acids from the stomach to flow back […]

Ayurvedic Treatment for Insomnia

What is Insomnia? Insomnia is a sleep disorder affecting millions, and those suffering from it are fatigued as they have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. The condition leads to various other problems like weight gain, hypertension, and diabetes, to name a few. Slight modifications in diet and lifestyle can help improve insomnia, to an […]

Ayurvedic Massage and Its Health Benefits

What is an Ayurvedic massage? ‘Ayurveda’ translates to the ‘Science of Life. It is one of the oldest medical traditions in the world and has roots in the ancient Vedic culture of India. Ayurveda believes in healing the natural way and focuses on: Prevention of disorders or ailments Treating disorders or ailments and Rejuvenation to […]

Why Acid Reflux Occurs?

What is acid reflux? Our digestive system holds valve-like muscles (upper and lower esophageal sphincters) between the esophagus and the stomach. They either allow or stop the entry of food from the esophagus into the stomach, based on the body’s current need. When these muscles are not healthy enough or fall weak, we start having […]

Digestion Issues Troubling You?

While most of us would have a standard routine of nature’s call, some have constipation issues. If you are one of them, then you are not alone. Millions of people see their physician every year with digestion or constipation related concerns. While the problem can be as simple as a sudden change in the medication […]

Can we create health?

“No one can create health; people are born with health that needs to be protected and maintained. What usually happens now is reactive disease care — one goes to a hospital when an issue arises and is usually directed to a doctor who specialises in the specific problem area. Wellness, on the other hand, is […]

Our Inspiration

One of the challenges was to first understand why we are born on this planet and then are given this huge opportunity to be able to serve people. As medical professionals, often we are overawed with the burden and responsibility placed on us. One of the primary reasons to start The Healers’ Clinic was to […]

Get a tailored-diet plan

Did you know the health of your gut is determined by a combination of what we place in your body and how you treat your body? Consuming the right kind of food and engaging in physical exercise will benefit the growth of important and good bacteria. Get a tailored-diet plan and nutrition for yourself and […]

Integrative healthcare @ The Healers’ Clinic

When a patient comes to see us at the Healers’ we always offer quite a unique an in-depth evaluation of a patient’s overall health situation. Integrative healthcare is our forte wherein each person who needs assistance, is regarded as a combination of multiple dimensions which include the body, the mind, beliefs as well as context […]

Should I change my diet as I age?

What difference does age make to metabolism and how should I change my diet as I age? Age is one of the vital factors in the body’s energy metabolism. Research has shown that the decrease in muscle mass, relative to the total body, may be responsible for an age-related reduction in the basal metabolic rate. […]

Keep Your Microbiome Healthy

The human body is a home for trillions of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa. The community of such microbes in a defined environment is called Microbiota. And the Microbiota along with its collective genetic material is called Microbiome. Microbiome is omnipresent. Soil, Ocean, Air, your skin, stomach, nose, eyes and ears, […]

Breathe In

Our breath holds many secrets because for every emotion in the mind, there is a corresponding rhythm in the breath. And each rhythm affects certain parts of the body, physically. You only need to observe it to feel it. For instance, we feel a sense of expansion when we are happy and a sense of […]

3-days Quick Detox

Re-discover your healthy self in just 3 days! Starting with a health screening and a consultation with our experts, find yourself on a perfectly custom-made detox plan, just for you which will change you inside-out. Experience yourself cleansed, energized, and rejuvenated in a matter of just a few days. #AskDrHafeel#HealersClinic Connect with us and begin […]

Live. Life. Balanced

Experience a transformation that you will carry a lifetime when you visit the Healer’s Clinic. Our detox programs not just ensure your body is free from toxins but also have a positive impact on your mental health. Come, learn to live a balanced life. #AskDrHafeel#HealersClinic Connect with us and begin the healing process. To schedule […]

Colon Hydrotherapy Explained

Colon-hydrotherapy is a gentle and simple procedure. There is virtually no danger involved when performed under medical supervision. It involves a rectal insertion which may of course cause initial discomfort, but this is minimal and does not last long. The procedure uses filtered and purified temperature-controlled water which flushes out the large intestine. The patient […]

The Healers’ philosophy

The role of General Medicine is important – it is a practice that closely monitors your family’s health. The Healers’ philosophy is to give you options to first prevent and then, try to manage a disease before involving any chemical interventions. Our team of experts, along with a General Practitioner takes the role of your […]

How much medicine is too much?

Modern medicine aims at counteracting symptoms. So its medicines are designed to attack and remove the invaders like bacteria, viruses and suppress the symptoms. Homeopathy, in contrast, does not suppress the symptoms but uses them as a guide to stimulate the vital inner force of the body, so that the body, in turn, will fight […]

Fighting Constipation

Often with people who are constipated, the entire length of the colon is packed with faecal matter. Failure to regularly clear the colon is like keeping the garbage inside for months. The colon gets lined with layers of glue-like mucus and toxins that poison the bloodstream. The result is autointoxication wherein the toxins present in […]

The First Step Towards a Perfect Detox

The ancient healers believed death begins from the colon. Eastern medicine has always given utmost importance to cleaning and protecting the colon as a preventive measure for positive health. Colon, along with kidneys, lungs, and skin, is primarily responsible for eliminating waste and toxins from the body. However, due to a combination of poor diet, […]

Diet Changes To Improve Children Lacking Energy

Lacking energy when growing up is a point of concern. It may be as simple as indigestion, unhealthy and untimely eating habits, parasite infestation or it could be early signs of nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin D deficiency. In certain cases, it could also b due to psychological factors. A detailed evaluation of the child […]

Ayurvedic-Friendly Approach to Diet For Improving Immunity.

Eating healthily is the cornerstone of your health. Healthier eating depends on the quality of your digestion and acquaintance. Ayurveda gives great importance to the measure and quality of your digestion. Good digestion is the pillar of your immunity. Ayurveda recommends simple foods, cooked and warm unless fruits. Being light and nutritious is the key […]

What’s The Diet To Be Followed For Fatty Liver?

 Fatty liver, a condition where too much fat is stored in the organ, eventually affects its proper functioning and leads to inflammation. Fatty liver is also linked to metabolic disorders such as diabetes, increased abdominal fat, high blood pressure and triglycerides, a type of fat. A vegetarian diet is advised to support the liver. […]

Colon Hydrotherapy at The Healers’ Clinic

Colon Hydrotherapy at The Healers’ Clinic With highly experienced and qualified therapists and the most sophisticated machine (FDA approved and CE approved) with 7 filter systems inside, this is one of the safest and most trusted clinics to do colon hydrotherapy. Moreover, colon hydrotherapy sessions are accompanied with a reflexology treatment of abdomen with stomach […]

Improve Your Well-Being

Is it possible to actually improve our well-being? Yes, if we can achieve the right balance of good mental health and be physically fit as well. If there is a coming together of the body, mind and spirit and we can make the right choices about where to locate ourselves, we can open doorways of […]

Why Choose Colon Cleanse?

Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle cleansing of the large intestine. It is the safe, gentle infusion of purified warm water into the colon under conditions that offer safety. It is one of the safest and effective procedures to help detoxify the digestive system and is a rejuvenating treatment for the body. No chemical drugs are […]

Colon Hydrotherapy – The First Step Towards a Perfect Detox

The ancient healers believed , death begins from the colon. Eastern medicine have always given utmost importance in cleaning and protecting the colon as a preventive measure for positive health. Colon along with kidneys, lungs and skin is responsible for eliminating waste and toxins from the body. However due to a combination of poor diet, […]

The Healers’ Approach

Ayurveda sees the Universe as a combination of five elements that are the foundation of all living organisms. Nonliving things too are based on the same five elements but in material combinations. All living beings are gifted with the attributes of the mind, sense organs and life force or the Spirit, which is known as […]

Ayurvedic perspective on fasting

Ramadan, the holy month, is one full moon cycle of faith, sacrifice, and trust. Throughout Ramadan, millions of Muslims on all continents are required to fast from dawn to dusk every day. Ramadan also provides Muslims with an opportunity to practice self-discipline, sacrifice, and compassion for those in need. It brings back benevolence and charity. […]

How to prepare your body for fasting

Some of us believe that we will be ready when Ramadan begins, but preparation will make the transition much easier. The following are few ways to prepare your body for the fasting month. Consumption of food: Begin by eating in moderation. Ramadan is approaching, so don’t splurge on food. This will only increase your hunger […]

Immunity Boosting Food

Cook your food with immunity-boosting spices such as cumin, fennel, coriander, turmeric, ginger, and black pepper. Garlic, which is one of the most commonly available herbs is known to treat numerous health-related issues. It has antimicrobial, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding a clove of garlic to your daily diet can help boost your immune system […]

Three tips for your skin this summer

Take care of your digestive health Your digestive system is interrelated with your skin health. While you might like to grab another bite of that double chicken burger, that might not be the ideal thing for your skin. Any issue concerning your digestive system can and will affect your skin health. Try to avoid low […]

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Message from our founder Dr Hafeel WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are time-tested. The Healers’ is the one of its kind in the region where the […]

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